Health Benefits of Nutritious Pine Nuts
All About Pine Nut Nutrition
Health benefits of Pine Nuts
Pine Nuts satisfy more than 70% of the body’s
amino acids requirements. They contain a high
concentration of Vitamin A, B complex, D and E.
Pine nuts are vitamin rich, contain high levels of
antioxidants and minerals and are full of phyto-
chemicals, which promote good health.
Aren’t Pine Nuts high in fat?
Yes…But the good fats! The fats in the nuts contain high levels mono-
unsaturated fatty acids, which help to lower LDL
or “bad cholesterol” and increase HDL or “good
cholesterol” in the blood.
So they’re good for me?
Research studies suggest that monounsaturated
fatty acids, help prevent coronary artery disease
and strokes by helping sustain a healthy amount
of lipids in the blood stream.
Essential fatty acids
Pine nuts contain essential the fatty acid pinolenic
acid. Recent research has shown that Pinolenic
acid may reduce feelings of hunger by naturally
triggering the body’s hunger suppressent
enzymes. Plus, pinolenic acid may lower LDL-
cholestrol by enhancing hepatic LDL uptake.
Vitamin E
Like almonds, pines are an excellent source
of vitamin E. Vitamin E is thought to prevent or
delay the chronic diseases such as cardiovascular
diseases and cancer which, are associated with
free radicals.
Pinenuts are excellent source of B-complex group
of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) and
Essential Minerals
Furthermore, pine nuts contain healthy amounts
of essential minerals like manganese, potassium,
calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. At
8.802 mg per 100 g (about 383% of daily
recommended intake).
Manganese has multiple health benefits. It keeps
your bones strong and healthy. Helps your body
synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol. Maintains
normal blood sugar levels. Promotes optimal
function of your thyroid gland. Maintains the
health of your nerves. Protects your cells from
free-radical damage.
Tastes so good!
Plus they taste great…
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